[H] <Aristocracy> [10/10N 3/10H] - Recruiting Raiders!

====== GUILD INFO ======
NSFW, progression-focused Horde guild, located on the Emerald Dream (US) realm. We focus on gearing members, raiding progression, pushing M+ keys & having some Rated PvP fun during downtime.

We require members to actively participate in the guild’s progress as well as their own.

====== RAIDING ======

  • Heroic: Wed & Thu (8p-10:30p CT)

====== RECRUITMENT ======

  • Add Battle.net: Alhion#11721
  • Type /who Aristocracy & ask any online guild member to invite you!

====== LEADERSHIP TEAM ======

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Solid group of players and we are doing a nice job at progressing! come join the fun!


Whats your bnet? I am looking to server transfer and faction change and sounds like a good fit (and I used to be on Emerald Dream a long time ago).

I main resto shaman (10/10 N, 2/10 H), 890+ io score, ilvl 209. Looking for a fun guild to push keys and clear heroic raid tiers. I also have all 3 raid times available as well.

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Sounds great! Bnet: Confidence#11809

I’ve grown to love this guild and all the helpful guildies that run Mythics with me. Also the raiding is very flexible slot-wise, which is an advantage of being a new guild. Plus you get that sparkly feeling every time we push past our last accomplishment, knowing we did it as a solid team with good communication. :))

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I just transfered to Emerald Dream not too long ago. Love to get to know you guys more!

I’ve been maining my resto druid for 10 years now, looking to push through the raid tiers with a small/tight nit guild community.

Seladine#1607 is my battle tag if you guys have room for a healing cow :slight_smile:

I will go ahead and add you!

BTW: This is Alhion’s new main character.

Got time, and room, for an old returning bear tank and his elemental Shammy friend? Been playing since vanilla, even did some progression raiding, and looking to make a new home for Shadowlands and beyond!

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We sure do! Whisper in-game or BattleTag.