[H] Area52 <The Last Pull> [8/8M] RECRUITMENT OPEN for Season 2! DPS/HEALS

Our recruitment is currently open for Season 2! Applicants will begin trialing as soon as possible! We are looking for Heals, Ranged DPS, DPS Warriors and Enhance shamans.

The Last Pull is a Mythic raiding focused guild on Area-52. Our raid team was established in the middle of Shadowlands Season 3 and comprises of CE raiders, Mythic raiders and new-er players. Our raid team is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding team with a goal to achieve Cutting Edge. We are a multi-CE guild, achieving CE in VotI, Abberrus, and Nerub-ar. We are an extremely active guild, frequently running M+, PvP and alt raids.

Mythic Team raids Tues/Wed from 8-11pm EST. At the beginning of seasons we try to schedule raids on Mondays.

Classes needed:
Resto Shaman, Pres Evoker, Holy Pal

Mage, Shadow Priest, Ele Sham

Warrior, Rogue, Enhance Sham

How to Apply:
Please message one of the recruiting officers below for a link to our application. We will be in contact ASAP!

Aca - discord: jesusofnewjersey | BNET: deadinside#11739
Youso - discord: yousobaka

Still looking for Mage/lock/boomkin

great guild hottest dudes

Still looking for ranged.

Looking for ranged heals!

Great guild best feasts needs ranged/healers

ranged DPS, healers and a DK. also looking for simps for our team 2 roster :slight_smile:

Still looking for ranged DPS, healer and a DK

Hey all. Still looking for 1-2 for raid team pushing CE

5/11M still looking for a 1-2 more dps

Now 6/11! Looking for ranged DPS and heals

Recruiting all classes for Team 2 and a RL

Bump, looking for ranged dps to round out our main roster :slight_smile:

Looking for ranged DPS and a DK!

I’m a 275 MM hunter. Lorf#2701 is my discord tag if you want to chat. Thanks!

Looking for a resto druid for main raid and still filling all roles for our second team :slight_smile: ended Season 3 7/11 and getting ready for Season 4. Plan is to hit the ground running in Dragonflight!

Applications for Team 1 are closed. Recruiting all for team 2! Raid day is July 7th.
Team 2 raids Sunday/Monday from 8-11pm EST.

Still accepting applicants for our second team! Need a DH and ranged DPS. Sunday/Monday 8-11pm est. beginning August 7th. :slight_smile:

Team 2 is in need of DPS and Heals! Team 2 is 10/10N 9/10H for Castle Nathria, and will be raiding Heroic Sanctum on Sunday!

Applications for Healers for Team 1 are open!

Still looking for DPS and Heals for Team 2! Currently 10/10N 9/10H for Castle Nathria, and will be raiding Heroic Sanctum on Sunday/Monday 8-11pm EST.

Applications for Healers for Team 1 are open :slight_smile:

WE ARE WANTING: DPS/H Paladin / Boomkins / Warlock / Mage / RShaman / Holy/Disc Priest for our second raid team!
9/10 H CN / 9/10 H SoD

Applications for Healers for T1 are open