(H) [ Area 52] The Nightmen are looking!

<The Nightmen> (AOTC) are currently looking for more for our core Mythic Raiding Team on Tues/Wed 11:55 PM - 3AM EST. We are a new guild in Area 52 founded during 8.0 by a group of players that quickly expanded into a much larger group who enjoy eachothers’ company both inside and outside of WoW.

Due to us starting during 8.0 we were slow in progression due to trying to find a core group while maintaining the social aspect of the guild. We are trying to grab a few more players for our core group to push Mythic content (both raiding and M+).

Right now we are currently looking for dedicated players who are exceptional at their class and always looking to improve. If you do not see your class or spec please feel free to still reach out!

Ele/Resto Sham (Dual Spec)
Holy/Disc/Shadow Priest (Tri Spec)
Holy Pally

Please contact me on either Discord (Enkazil#7836) or on Bnet (Anti#1430). Discord I am always available, so that would be the quickest way to reach me. One of our Officers is also available on Discord if I do not respond (Kostadine#8757).

Thanks for looking and hope to hear from you!
Uhm you're on the wrong forums bucko. Guild Recruitment / Area52 are thataway.
11/13/2018 02:27 PMPosted by Enkazil
We are a new guild in Area 52

Get out.

Hey guy, Area 52’s that way ---->

Best of luck.

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