[H-Area 52] < The Insubordinates > 7/10H SoD LF ALL

Who we are:
Our guild was started on Area 52 (The Insubordinates) in 2021 to focus on pushing raid and mythic+ content. Many of us are ex mythic raiders looking for a more casual and relaxed raid experience. Our members consist of a wide arrange of people with different backgrounds and lifestyles and we maintain a culture of respect and empathy. We are all working adults and understand that WoW is a game where we come to relax, unwind and most importantly have fun! We come into this acknowledging that real life must come first, and that our non-raiding members are just as important to us as our raiders.

That being said, our raid team is 7/10H SoD and many of our members have KSM. Our goal is to work towards AOTC and maybe progress into some Mythic content. We also like to run a lot of M+ dungeons and legacy achievement/mog runs for our completionist.

Our core raid group is currently 7/10 Heroic SoD but we are looking for more to join our ranks. Our goal is always to work towards AOTC and some mythic content for those who are interested in doing so. For the right people with the right attitude, we don’t mind helping people gear up for raiding. All that we ask is that people put some level of effort into learning their class, gearing and trying to improve.

We currently raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8PM EST to 11PM EST and run a 2/2/6 composition but would like to get to 2/3/9 or more (we can flex additional DPS spots). All classes and specs may apply but the following is a more specific list of what we are missing:

-Main Spec Tanks: Full

-Mele DPS: Rogue (Any), Enhancement Shaman, Ret Paladin, WW Monk, Havoc DH, DK (Any), Feral Druid, Warrior (Any)

-Ranged DPS: Balance Druid, Mage (Any), Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman

-Healers (1 Spot): Resto Druid, Holy Paladin or MW Monk

In addition to our core raid, we host a normal SoD raid night every Friday or Sunday. This is a great environment for our more casual/new/alt players to get gear and see end game content.

Additionally, we created a community page for cross-realm raiding so people don’t have to faction/realm change just to trial/raid with us. We use our community to fill holes on Heroic/Normal raid nights.

If you’re interested in checking us out please DM me on BNET or Discord:

BNET: Rynz#11590
Discord: Rynk#7008