Experiments down!
Need 2 core
Healer + HDH
Still looking
Still looking for:
1 Healer: Resto Shaman - Preservation Evoker - Any exceptional healer
1 DPS: Havoc DH - DK either spec - Any exceptional DPS
Let’s get after it!
Eyeballs !!
Still need a couple strong DPS and an HDH
Bump for 0.3%!
Rashok down!
Looking for a WW monk or Havoc DH!
2 DPS pref DH
Zskarn down to 15%
Healer needed
Looking for one heals
One heals!
Need DH or Monk (BM/WW)
Bumping for next week
Hi i’m not in one of your needed specs, but very much interested. I can provide anything you would like to see. I’m on area 52 already. 445 Fury/ arms warrior. Feel free to add me to discuss, Ambar#1744 on bnet. Lottogato#0395 on discord. Or message me here and i’ll respond. can provide logs/ screenshots/ and previous mythic experience.