[H] Area 52 <Dadcore> Tu+Wed 10-1230 EST - 7/9M - Need Mage + Flex

hey! 2 players looking for a raiding guild.

Im a VDH with Hdh and rshaman off spec, (can elee once i get gear for it). Also have my friend with me a frost/fire mage. we both 2.8k io and both 2/8 atm. i do have CE exp in previous raids. we here if we can be considered!

Monday Monday

To the top!

Kurog going down tonight

Kurog is down

Looking for some dps

Hey dps where are you?

Always looking

Need a Blood DK

Spots open for a few people.

To the top!

Good luck in your vault!

Bumping up

sent you a request on discord, here is mine. Mado#2804

Tank spot is open!

Looking for a few more solid dps/tank!

Progress is happening!

Looking for a great lock!

Getting back after holiday

Sill looking