[H] [Area-52] <Adaptive> 7/10M Sludge 3% CE Focused LF Tank/DPS

still lookin for slammers

Much bump many handles

morning bump

Raid time bump, looking for big pumping hunters, dk, lock

Post raid bump

Wednesday bump, looking for exceptional applicants

“morning” bump

need a tank for tonight. council/sludge prog

I may be interested in yall. Jerrin#1599 if you would like to chat more. 222 Blood DK

after raid bump

You know that scene in Shrek two when they’re in the carriage and donkey keeps making the horse clopping noise and Shrek yells at him, “For 5 minutes, could you not be yourself. FOR FIVE MINUTES!”

That is how I feel about our mythic reclears.


morning bump

Raid time bump, still need big pumpers

Morning bump, looking for exceptional applicants

hi heres a bump

“good morning”

dinner time bump

still looking for some slammers to finish off sludge and move on to the super fun SLG :slight_smile:

mornin bump

dinner time bump