Arcane Phalanx (8/10 P2) is recruiting to add to our active roster. We have 2 x 25 man raid teams that run at 8pm ST on Tues/Weds and Sat/Sun, and a late night team that runs at 11:30pm ST on Tues/Weds for a total of 3 x 25 man raid teams. The prime time raid teams are 5/6 SSC and 3/4 TK, and the late night group is fairly new having run Gruuls/Mag the past couple weeks to get off the ground. The late night team will be starting SSC next week. It is currently filled with the help of alts to get it going, so we’re looking for some regular late night folks to hang out with. We still run Kara & Gruul/Mag weekly for those needing it. Specifically looking for healers and dps for the late night crew but all are welcome to apply as their are regular open spots. PST to Wreck/Wreckadin/Wreckfel or any officer for more info.
If you don’t raid, that’s ok! We are equally looking to boost our active roster in the late night / over night hours so our vampires have more friends to hang out with So, whether you like to raid, or just want to be surrounded by awesome people…you can expect that there will be someone around to be able to chat, build groups, and get stuff done as a team.
Come be a part of a friendly core of experienced players with lots of play time here on classic/TBC!