Looking for a guild? Great, we need members. Apocalypse Pony is a chill environment full of many members interested in a wide variety of content. Whether you’re a veteran or a new player, we have a large support system available to help you get into what it is you want to pursue.
What our guild offers:
- Heroic Raid Progression (currently 4/9 H, 1/9 M)
- M+
- Pvp
- Legacy content
- Social
- Leveling
- Drama-free, LGBTQ+ friendly, relaxed environment
Scheduled Heroic Raid Nights:
Tue/Wed 6pm Server Time
*normal runs for alts/gearing or legacy raids will be thrown on an off-night basis and will be on the calendar
What is expected of you to raid for progression content:
- Have discord
- Show up on-time
- Be properly geared, enchanted, gem’d, etc.
- Have necessary raid tools (DBM, Big Wigs, Weakauras, etc)
- Have a general knowledge on the fight’s mechanics
We have a large amount of members that enjoy arena, rbg, and wpvp. We currently have no scheduled days for this but it could be a future possibility with enough to commit.
There are no set days reserved for this. However, we have many members available and interested in running keys. Whether you’re just breaking into low keys or pushing 10+, we’re always running them.
If you’d like to chat about joining, add and message one of the BT’s below: