[H] AoTC Focused Casual/Social Guild LFM!

Recruitment Needs:
Healer - Paladin, Priest, shaman or Druid (1 - 2 tops)
Ranged - Warlock, Shadow Priest, Hunter, or Shaman. (2)
Melee - Rogue, Paladin, Monk, shaman, or Death Knight. (3)

need more peeps! Come play with us!! :smiley:

happy hump day


Body seems unclear… YES it’s a complete sentence…

come join us

Seance to commune with the squirrel ancestors at 7PM EST!

Hey there Guys. I got a Resto shaman, vengeance DH as well as blood DK for tanking, got couple of melee like warrior and rogue and couple of ranged dps like hunter and warlock. All the characters are around 190 ilvl with the rogue and dk being 200ilvl +. I’m down to do NM+HM Raids as well as some M+ runs. Hit me up if You would be interested in any of my characters, thanks.

I’m back after a 3 month vacation, so I’m a little behind. But looking to get back to raiding. I play an aff lock reasonably well. Thoughts of venturing into demon, but I love slinging plagues. I sent someone a disc friend request, I forget easy if it’s not written on my underwear. Hope to talk to someone soon

Would you consider a MW monk?

Interested! Added you on Bnet

if you haven’t been contacted please add me folks have been out of town
Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829

Updated needs list.

Updted List :
Healer - Priest or shaman
Ranged - Warlock, Shadow Priest, Hunter, mage or Shaman.
Melee - Demon Hunter, Rogue, Paladin, Monk, or shaman

High need for melee.

Updated List:

Healer -Paladin, Priest or shaman
Ranged - Warlock, Shadow Priest, Hunter, mage or Shaman.
Melee - Demon Hunter, Rogue, Warrior, Monk, or shaman

Still High need for Melee.

Updated list.

come join us in our fun

Happy hump day

Updated Needs List. Looking for Any class melee

happy Saturday

Still looking for melee…