Server: Korgath - Central time zone server
About us: Annihilation is a 3 night a week raiding guild looking for talented players interested in raiding and pushing Mythic Dazar’alor! We take raiding serious but have fun at the same time! If you are not having fun while raiding, then why do it? We have been raiding 3 times a week for over 2.5 years strong with no breaks with the exception of some holidays and a day here and there. We are the largest and most active guild on the server!
Our current preference for roles and specs to be considered are listed below. If you can DPS at a high level and swing heal when needed that would be very beneficial. However, if you play a class/spec that is not listed below and feel like you can be an asset to our team, please reach out via the btag below.
**Raid Times:**Tuesday, Wednesday, and Monday 8:30PM - 11PM CST (9:30PM - 12AM EST) Raid invites start 30 minutes prior to boss pull.
Contact info: Please feel free to contact Evilobjob (Hazeman802#1926)
if you have any questions. OR send in game mail to Evilobjob and I will respond ASAP.
Requirements to raid:
1.) Must be able to make raid times. If you can only make some of the raid times, we are still interested in you as a filler or back-up raider.
2.) Must be able to learn/preform boss mechanics.
3.) Maximize your toons capabilities.
Class/Role recruitment needs:
1 tank
1 healer position open.