Angry Mob is a long-standing active raiding guild that moved to Mal’Ganis during BoD. Our goal is to progress efficiently on a light schedule.
Raid nights:
Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00pm - 1:00am EST
Optional Wednesday sale/farm run: 9:30pm EST
Actively Recruiting:
- Skilled ranged DPS
We’re casually semi-hardcore, many of us being grown up nerds with IRL responsibilities. We favour self-motivated players that understand their class and actively use logs and other tools to maximize DPS while dodging (most of the) fire. We have a very short raid week, so being on time and ready for raid is important.
Our leadership is experienced and our raid atmosphere is pretty chill. Our player base includes a broad range of people; from US Top 50 raiders, highly achieving M+ and pvp players to people who are new to mythic raiding.
A ton of mythic raiding experience, while nice, is not a must. Skilled players from all backgrounds earn their raid spot through performance, attendance, activity and attitude. There is no “old boys club” here. If you want to play with us, we want to play with you.
For more info, reach out to any of the following:
- Jesz - GM - (bnet: jesz#1830, discord: jesz#4542)
- Kulifa - Raid Lead - (bnet: Kulifa#1531, discord: Kulifa#2993)
- Alasper - Officer - (bnet: Alasper#1813, discord: Alasper#2816)
To apply, contact an officer or submit an application here: