[H and A] [NA] [Zul'jin] <Distant Shores> Mythic progression guild looking for mythic focused raiders!

Guild: Distant Shores
Realm: Zul’jin
Raid days: Friday and Saturday 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm eastern
Progression: 6/9m AtDH, 7/8H AVotI, 9/9H AAtSC
Recruiting: Open recruitment for dps except pallies/warriors! Also looking for resto druid, disc/holy priest, or pres evoker!
Goal: CE in TWW!
About us: We understand real life happens and every one has lives and families outside of the game, our mindset is mythic progression with out the stress of getting CE, in AtDH we achieved 6/9m, we are looking to continue to improve and achieve CE in TWW!

Discord Contact: redjak, ironkuting

We are still recruiting dedicated raiders that are looking for a permanent home.

Recruiting for season 4 and TWW, feel free to reach out!

Hey there, any chance you’re looking to bring on a Ret Paladin?

I apologize, we are currently full on ret pallies.