[H] <Ancient Ones> Recruiting Members

Ancient Ones is currently recruiting level 40+ characters for casual endgame content likely starting January 2020.

Have a job? Spouse? Kids? Grandkids? Pets? Other hobbies? Friends who don’t play WoW? Just other stuff to do?

If you’re like many of us, life doesn’t allow for 20-40 hours a week of WoW time, but you still love the game and want to see all that it has to offer. Classic is a wondrous game with so much in it that many people missed “back in the day.” Our goal is to experience the World of Warcraft in all its glory–be it dungeons, questing, professions, farming, raids, battlegrounds, or world events.

Ancient Ones is recruiting all classes and roles, but we especially need Druids and Warriors. We do organized group activity every Wednesday night, 8 PM server, and will eventually be raiding on that night.

We will not be clearing BWL or Naxx on our first try. But that feeling, that rising excitement and elation of downing a boss for the first time, as a guild, as a challenge, will be there waiting for us.

If you are interested or have questions, please whisper or send mail to Sephius, Sabret, or Mirrormask.

We are still looking for members! If anyone is interested, let me know.

Thanks to those joining! We’re having great success on Wednesday nights for dungeons and group activities, and good guild participation at other popular times too.

If anyone level 40+ still leveling at their own pace looking for a fun, diverse, and skilled guild of helpful gamers, please contact Sephius, Sabret, or Mirrormask in game (by whisper or mail) if you want an invite or have any questions.

We’re a good experienced group of people always looking for me of the like.

We have and still get the job done but we dont tolerate buttheads.