[H] <Analytic> 9/9N - 9/9H - 0/9M LFM | Tue/Wed/Thur 8PM-11PM

If you enjoy your Raid being interrupted by sub par players. And you want to join the “Core”, Go Join Vox Novus If you enjoy killing content in a timely manner with a clean environment that understands interrupting Raid Comms during a Raid isn’t acceptable. Then we may have a place for you. I would just really hope that, if you do join. After 6 weeks of me trying to coach and help you. You can manage to arise pass a Green Parse.

Unfortunately. Here. We are trying to Raid Mythic. Not just constantly talk about it.

Please stay off my Forum post, you all left very unamicable after poor choices of your own. I’m not here to shame any of you. Try not to bring it here. I do enjoy a free Forum bump though. So to each their own.

bump for the top guild on server lol

We are far from the Top Calloe, I would like to hope to have a group of individuals to help get there one day. Thanks for the bump.

You had that group, but you started kicking them mid raid cause someone stood up to you. Please get help, your leadership style is corrosive. If anyone wants clips or screen shots post here and we will reach out.


Oh hi Chrono, good to see you again, :slightly_smiling_face:
Don’t mind me i just saw your name and though it sounded familiar.

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Same guy tried making a guild on Stormrage and a similar thing happened. Avoid this guild like the plague.

Some red flags I picked up on.

  1. The guy bought 8/8 20’s on a tank last season. Go look at all his first 20’s, they all uhave double tank.
  2. The guy’s discord is made by some random over seas vendor with tons of bloat in it and not organized at all.
  3. Also with no one in the guild but me and 4 other people the guild bank randomly had 6 million gold in it.
  4. The guy openly brags about buying carries and gold all the time.
  5. The guy is super narcissistic, verbally abuse, and stirs up drama for drama’s sake.
  6. The guy has zero clue about raid mechanics. I would ask questions about what his strat was going to be for specific mythic fights and I would get vague, deflective answers.

It’s sad cause this guy’s got a lot of free time and is happy to spend dozens of hours recruiting and bank roll a gbank, disocrd, and guild website with IRL money, but he’ s just such a toxic person and has no business being a leader, not even in a video game.

Random side note, he asked me to recruit shortly after promoting me to an “officer” in his alliance guild and I said no I’m not a people person. I’m more of an analytical person and I’d be happy to help with raid strats / performance reviews. After my comment he started saying analytic alot, it was weird. I think that’s why his horde guild is called “Analytic”. Cause I used a big word lmao

This guy needs professional help. Steer clear.


As a soloist all these achievements are something to be happy about and all I see is a bunch of ungrateful players who are both acting like jerks to each other in a guild recruitment post. Holy cow folks.

Let um Cook. I enjoy a good show.

Yeah I was there for that and some time of this season on the horde side of things. I’m pretty sure we did a few keys together if you’re the survival hunter that I recall.

There is a good reason why the guild could never get more than about 30(with a modest amount of fluff for alts of the officers) people on either server for long and had to pug most of the roster every raid night. Your list hit most of the points that other people who left whispered me about to vent after I also left.

People would join expecting something good, see what the guild was up to then leave within a week or so. Would be nice if the lead didn’t expect everyone else to have as much free time as he does. For a lot players, having a few hours a day is a large chunk of their free time. Expecting players to be online, 6, 8, even 10+ hours a day is ridiculous and most players, whether amazing, terrible, and everything in between do not have that much time that they are willing to commit to the game unless they are getting paid to play it. I don’t care how someone decides to use their free time but they must be reasonable with how they decide to use other’s because anything else is disrespectful. That was the reason I left. If I commit to x-y times for raids on a, b, and c days, I WILL be there for those times. However, I expect to only have to raid for those times, not whenever the lead wants and until he decides to call it a night(usually long after people with things to do the next day would go to bed). I have other things to do between irl friends, exercise, chores, work related tasks, get a proper amount of sleep…etc

The best point is one that wasn’t on your list. What cracks me up and is the most awkward is that he has made the decision to list his “team” as 9/9h when it was mostly around 3-7 guildies, sometimes less, and 10+ pugs for those raids.
He should be honest and say “9/9h exp lead” so folks aren’t misled into a joining a “raiding guild” without a full raid roster.

Anyone else who is reading this forum thread and is undecided, I’m not telling you whether you should or shouldn’t join that guild. As far as I’m aware, you’re an adult and you need to make up your own mind. Just know that a lot of folks have joined and been chased away in a short period of time with most common complaints revolved around the leader and how he runs things.

No idea who this guy is, if yall put half the effort into playing the Game and being Competent players to help a Goal. I can assure you. Half of you wouldn’t have as much feelings of animosity towards me as you do apparently.

Shocking you haven’t managed to get hardly any players who will “put half the effort into playing the Game and being Competent players to help a Goal” who want to play with you for more than a few days after all these months despite there being so many great players on this server to choose from.
If only there was a common denominator here. I’m sure it was the recruit who was at fault for leaving every single time without exception. It is the only explanation that makes sense lmao.

Nope, got really good competent people that I enjoy and glad are here, but Dewski. When people join an environment and are pushed to be “better”. Because my Goal is and always will be CE Raiding, when they understand and see that difference. It’s not for everyone. So yea, they leave. It happens. You still the king of Depletes? Or just enjoy trolling still? Oh, My apologies. I believe i misspelled Onawatchlist.

Ah you may be correct that you do have people in your guild that you enjoy playing with. The armory shows 21 characters in your guild and 6 of them are you and your alts, so your guild is full of people you like. I should have clarified OTHER people, so that one is on me.

Also, warcraftlogs shows no attendance in aberuss since early June( I understand a lot of guilds are taking off the last couple weeks for the 4th of july, but this extends far beyond that) and almost none of the players present for that most recent log were in your guild. By my count, only 3 of those ~17(depending on the fight/pull) players are listed on that report are on the current guild roster.
You have to stop being untruthful like that because it will chase people away the moment they get in and see that the guild doesn’t actually have enough players for a mythic+ run, much less mythic raid prog. I understand that you are likely getting frustrated at the failed recruiting process but you have to take ownership of your own faults at some point and be honest or else it won’t get better.
Here is the source for anyone curious. Just click on the reports tab and check the boss kills and compare it to the roster tab: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/704594

P.S. your “king of depletes” comment makes no sense because the raiderio for this character, one of my many mostly untouched alts on a role I don’t play, doesn’t even have a depleted key? My main doesn’t even have a depleted key apart from runs where the group disbanded after a disconnect and/or ragequit, and even those are very rare. I guess we all just saw another instance of you being untruthful, but I believe I misspelled Diagnostixx :wink: .

You missed my insinuation.

The insinuation falls flat when you have the same raid progress(aotc) as my tank and worse best perf avgs, median perf avgs, and lower highest dmg done on 8 of the 9 fights this tier despite you having higher ilvl than I do. Edit: I should clarify that is my first tier ever playing this particular tank spec in a raid so you can’t fall back on being new to the pally here and have the argument hold any water.
If I am not qualified for mythic raiding then neither of us are, which is something I’m completely fine with lol.
But I sadly, do not have as much free time as you do and must hop off the forums to get some stuff done. I’ll check back in again in about a month or so since this post is like a trainwreck that keeps dragging me back in on account of my morbid curiosity.

You are a long winded fella, Mr. Dewski.

Lots of wind.