WHO?: Tight-knit guild dating back to Molten Core. We were a three-day/week cutting edge guild from BC through Cata with multiple server firsts. We went casual in Pandaria with the introduction of flex Heroic and have never looked back. AOTC and fun times are all we’re looking for now.
We’re somewhere between casual and serious. We’re not completely casual in that we have a lot of people with extensive raiding experience who care about executing fights well, and who are always comfortable with trying to do better and making suggestions, because that’s fun to us. We’re not serious in that we care more about having a good time than being perfect; personality and fit matter a lot to us; we don’t have expectations of pushing Mythic raids; we don’t have attendance or comp requirements. We’re all adults, but we’re also fairly silly; our sense of humor and guild chat are often pretty raunchy, but we expect everyone to be respectful.
WHY?: We are accustomed to raiding with 12-15 people, even though smaller raid sizes are penalized (honestly, it’s often more fun this way). We won’t PUG to fill out a raid; that’s not fun to us, we’d rather spend time with people we know and are getting to know. However, we haven’t really recruited since WoD, and attrition is finally catching up to us.
WHAT?: All roles are welcome. 390+ ilvl is a good target, but negotiable. M+ interest is very welcome (we generally make sure that all interested people get at least a 10 for the week) but not required. Above all, we want people who want the same things out of the game.
WHEN?: Sunday 12-4pm Pacific is our only regular raid time.
WHERE?: Uther/Runetotem, but transfers are not required.
HOW?: Contact Bort (Btag sleepyfish#1172, Discord Bort#6743) or Azshios (Btag Azshios#1699, Discord Azshios#6709)