[H] <Akai Soubi> AOTC weekday guild - recruiting

10/11 N now! Dps apps welcome

Bump, For the Horde!

Bumping up the post!

Normal cleared and 2/11 H! Last night was a good night to kill the jailer

Bump, year of the spear!

Actively recruiting dps with geared heals ospec!

New expansion means new raids! Akai is once again recruiting. See top post for more info.

Holy crap this brings back so many memories. I was in the guild way back in the day before they merged with Spite and created the guild Irony. Much love to the entire Akai crew!

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Killed two on normal last night! Looking for some additional skilled dps to round out our ranks

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Definitely a fun and active guild. Usually farming heroics and doing high level keys within guild.

Actively recruiting ranged, flex healers, and dps dk!

Join us and you’ll know when to soup!

Akai is looking for talent! Join our ranks for the time of your life (bringing you the brightest heals since 2016)

Currently looking for a healer/dps flex and dps DK!

Four out of five healers recommend not standing in fire (the fifth healer stood in fire and died)

Where can i join!?!??!

Actively recruiting ranged dps, dps with heals ospec, and dk dps

The Immortal guild of Uther still going strong. Now recruiting ranged dps, dps/healers, deathknight dps for raiding. Join our chill group of heroic raiders on Uther.

LF likeminded raiders to join our team!

Continuing to work through heroic vault, LFM.