[H] <AG> (3/10M) LF HEALS (RSham,Monk) & SP/Lock/Hunter; CORE SPOTS OPEN ; T-Th 11:30 to 2:30pm EST

I’m flattered I got 2 paragraphs all to myself.
Sure, lets talk about your points.
If you recall before I took over recruiting we were raiding heroic with 13 people my dude. 13 raiders…that was it…that was the roster our guild had by the time we had killed H Denarious.

I 100% agree with you but I don’t think what you are saying is realistic and a good strategy. If you don’t achieve progression you will loose players. The best players want to get CE, want to get purple parses on all bosses and hate being slowed down by bad raiders. Just image min maxing your character, researching fights, show up for raid and…12 people are online…raid is called. Thursday comes and the same story. Thats a dying guild and dying guilds bleed players.

To the second point of “brining in other solid players”…yeah…obviously…but do you know how HARD and RARE it is to find good players that are not already in guilds that have cleared Mythic already?? More than that, do you know how hard is it to find WoW players in general? Yeah they are out there of course but they are rare.
Compare it with any professional sports. How many average players are out there for each Lebron James? How many Ryan Leafs for each Peytonn Manning?
Exceeding in any field is Exceptionally Rare and on top of that finding ones with good attitude, 90% attendance and that have the time to min max a character (when they don’t get paid to do so) just makes finding good players harder.

I go back to my previous points. How many bust First Rounds picks in sports have happened? How many Jamarcus Russels for each Manning or Brees?

The rest of your points is your own personal opininion on how to manage a guild. You have your believes and strategies. I have mine.

To the Ad Hominem attacks I do not care to respond.

My point:

When your guild is dying and you have cleared Heroic. You MUST do whatever it takes to begin progression on Mythic. In order to achieve that you need a roster of 25 to 30 raiders since (as you said) most raiders will not pass the Trial.
When you have 13 raiders you must recruit with everything you got. Each week you do not raid is 1 more week your guild is close to dying.

Should I consider a failure that 1/10 recruits are Excellent players? Not even a little as finding WoW players is rare and hard.

Ultimately you can believe what you want. Look at the results we achieved. We are 3/10M and even though we lost 3 raiders in the middle of raid we kept going that night and we should be more than fine in progressing tonight and the rest of SL.

Thanks for all the responses today.

Hey Rig - I have one question.

You stated that I use avoidance as a conflict resolution strategy. Can you give me an example please. The feedback I usually get is that I am too confrontational. So this is unexpected.

Sure, so I didn’t say you ignored problems I said that you ignore people. From the perspective of a non-officer guildie it’s nice to have dialogue between what’s happening and the people who are affected by it.

For example: “Hey, do you mind sitting out these couple bosses so we can check some trials?” or “Ok we have a couple too many people today, who’s volunteering to step out?” vs “If you’re in group 8 you’re on standby.”

Admittedly, when I’m leading a pug or whatnot and there’s an extra chromie homie in my raid I just kick them and whatever invite the next dude, and if I had 8 trials to manage I would have the same attitude. But why should a guild member give commitment and consideration beyond what’s convenient to them if the guild isn’t doing the same? If you have a better shot at getting in the raid as a trial member than a core raider then I think you can expect about the same amount of loyalty from both.

Thanks Rig for taking the time into helping us being better.

Even though things ended so quick and in a sour way I wish all 3 of you the best

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this is a bump.

Ranged DPS Needed

Seeking dps.

Still looking for them ranged dps

I need melee friends! A rogue would be nice, or a Frost DK for 9.1

I am bumping with 10 characters.

come play with us