[H] <AG> (3/10M) LF HEALS (RSham,Monk) & SP/Lock/Hunter; CORE SPOTS OPEN ; T-Th 11:30 to 2:30pm EST

This would be a great week to join!

Bump for that ranged d

Lookin for a Monk class

Looks cool and feels even better.

Ranged DPS needed

Great group! LF solid ranged DPS!

Still looking for more ranged DPS, come start your trial!

Ranged DPS and a monk!

Guild’s pretty neat.

Benches “core raiders” for trials in mythic (calls it “stand-by” and expects attendance regardless).
Yet, won’t bench old-guard players from past expansions who perform hilariously badly in sub-optimal specs.

Takes all BoEs for guild bank (won’t roll it if it’s an upgrade for main raid team)
Yet, don’t provide the high quality feasts, enchants.

There is no actual raid leading and shot calling going on: it gets so bad that a trial tank came in and was shot calling soaks for Mythic Hungering on their first day.

The guild leader is a low performer and decided to randomly reroll to an oversaturated class we have 4 of already, a month or so into progression (leaving us without a main tank).

There is always a desperate amount of recruiting going on because turnover is high, you will find AG recruiting in trade chat, forums, anywhere they can get a body who is ok with sitting on the sidelines, they will take it. There’s even a raffle system where an officer gives out a WoW token based on how much you bump the recruitment forums.

Recently many of the top performers have left the guild and it’s been a struggle to even get 20 for mythic. Overall, not a great experience.

Only the Dankest of trains

LF heals, Rsham/Monk & ranged DPS

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to bump the thread.

I will go ahead and speak to your points.

Agreed - 100% as we discussed with the team BOE’s went to the guild bank and were sold so that the raiders could have Pots/armor kits/oils/Repairs and Flasks. It is a common practice. I struggle to understand your point here.

As far as Hungering Destroyer goes. YES it was fantastic to have a new member with skills and an attitude to contribute to the team. His support did so much for the guild. I am excited to have him. Its wonderful when everyone contributes.

Recruiting: Yes we have a big push on for recruiting. We need high performers. We need people with a team mindset. As a new guild its difficult to recruit a consistent and solid 22-25 people for mythic raiding. Especially since in this current iteration of wow - many people have never been on a team before and they struggle to work as a group.

The guild leader is a low performer. Lets look at that. Ill just let my logs speak for themselves - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/area-52/Hawtii?zone=24&new=true#partition=-1


Take a look at the Oranges and the purples - I am also multi CE. Can you say the same?

In truth you and your 2 friends were not a good fit. I think your forum post does tons to illustrate that.

Good luck in Shadowlands!


As the recruitment officer for AG I just want to add a couple of things:

  1. Thank you for noticing the efforts required to build a brand new guild.
    I will assume you are grateful for all the time I have invested in our guild so that you can just show up and raid without a care in the world about all that is necessary to put a guild together. Your ignorance shows I have done a good job performing my role; just like a kid doesn’t know how hard Mommy and Daddy work.

  2. You were placed on standby because of your below par performance. After receiving a 2 week ban your attendance was an issue. Your output is an issue and your attitude is obviously a big problem.

Thanks for the bump


Bump for AG!


As you two pointed out, yes, this is a free bump. You’re welcome.

I honestly did not want to make a response as I do not like to be inflammatory myself. Let me rebuttal your points, that you seem to be so sure you are correct on.

Guild politics is one of the worst subjects, since different people will have different opinions on what is right or wrong. BOE’s that are not upgrades should absolutely be sold for the benefit of the guild. BOE’s that are upgrades should be distributed to those that need the gear. The BOE in question was a mythic piece that a raider needed as an upgrade. End of story, the player who needed the gear should have received it. Not one CE guild that I have personally been in has done differently. Distributed upgrades, sold all other BOE’s. Top guild’s that you clearly try to mimic buy up those upgrades in the AH to set up their players for success in the raid. Not for 200k gold, which again is a minimal amount as it is easy to make that type of gold in the current state of the game.

I agree that it was fantastic that one of the trials stepped in to shot call M Hungering. Props to that trial as they are an exceptional player. But again in my CE experience never has my RL ever needed that type of input. It shows your lack of experience in raid leading (as you mentioned one of the officers was your previous RL in previous tiers). A trial, making shot calls, over the failing raid leader is an issue. Yes, maybe you need time to improve your skills as a RL (not saying I can do better, as I am not an outspoken person, and raid leading can be difficult). The lack of preparedness to raid lead that fight showed and you were more then content allowing the trial to take over.

So, you are gonna link tanking logs? Not your Balance logs, which are just ok. Damage output from a tank is important, more so if you are pushing top 100/top 250. The mechanical skill of the tank and survivability is the crucial part of tanking. As I have been an MT previously, I understand that it is important to do damage but to also survive and tank the boss correctly. Constantly getting hit by crescendo on H Sire and being knocked off the platform is unacceptable. It’s an easily dodged mechanic and so very pronounced even before the visual change. Once is fine, multiple times that caused a wipe is not. That is not something you will see on those logs you linked, very deceptive. Your actual tanking was subpar. Your dps was ok for an insane dps spec.

Good fit? That had never been an issue until you just posted it. Putting it in your post proves nothing. No one ever had an issue with us in the guild. Unless you had an issue with silly things like naming myself on details to something silly. Like “oof” or “Buff Ret”.

Lastly, recruitment, I saved this for last as the recruitment officer added a little kindling to this point. Recruiting is important to a guild, as I helped recruit in a previous guild, I know the work needed to bring people together (especially exceptional players). Needing 22-25 for mythic is a truth for “in case of” or comp changes. But this becomes less and less important the lower in ranking you go. We (including myself are only 3/10 M) this far into the tier. At this point it becomes more about maintaining that solid core and bringing in other solid players. Solid players were a dime a dozen in recruiting a lot more duds than exceptional players. Yet, instead of trialing trials in heroic ,if they don’t have logs to prove themselves, you sat core raiders in mythic to watch as those duds waste time on boss attempts. Not a very intelligent way of doing things, nor have I ever experienced such mismanagement in a guild. It’s funny that the recruitment officer assumes who made the post under the moniker of “lilgarbo”. He would be wrong on that big brain assumption of his. You don’t bring up a two week ban for a bad name when the guild was also forced by Blizzard to change it’s name. Prior to the two week ban for said player their was no issue with attendance. The patronizing jab about Mommy and Daddy is a funny attempt at trying to prove a point. Again, I know the struggle of recruiting, but when you recruit incompetent players because you are too lazy to do actual solid recruiting it shows how you have some what failed on your role other than providing a warm body to fail at mechanics or do sub-optimal dps. So again, tell me how it is exactly you did such an amazing job, when 1/10 recruits were actually fine players.

To end this obnoxiously long rebuttal, I would like to say that it is your guild do whatever you want with it. We no longer felt that this guild was a good fit for us because of the standby issue that made no logical sense. Trials trial in heroic first to see them mechanic wise then we bring into mythic. I personally, did not mind the guild as I thought the environment was fine. The guild is not set up for success to retain good players with the way it is currently run. I acknowledged how many people were recruited by you, but the lack of quality recruits was not seen as it seemed more quantity over quality. It is not a good look to reply to a post and deceptively try to push your point, maybe become a politcian? I do wish you guys good luck in the rest of Shadowloands.

Btw the player Lalore believes he responded to has not posted on the forums. So sorry, but your response was ignorant and good trying to be smart.

Respectfully and good day. Btw bump :slight_smile:

-Ret Friend

Pemberly! What an articulate man you are.

I am rather surprised. I have never seen anything from you that would indicate you were so well spoken. In fact, I am not sure I have ever even heard your voice.

While from one perspective your criticisms are sort of “Valid” in a sense. It comes after you left the guild in the middle of a raid. In fact, you have offered zero feedback in your entire time in the guild.

You speak to my experience as a raid leader being diminished because I allowed a raider to participate in the execution of a fight. It was a great way to “Trial” him. Not only did I learn what he was capable of; I found out he was able to meaningfully contribute.

You see, essentially, we have a difference of opinion. You think allowing people to participate is a weakness. Not so! In fact, I believe allowing people to participate and contribute is a huge strength. I do not feel insecure allowing others to contribute. I do not feel insecure allowing others to play to their strength. In fact. It is leadership in action.

You should look at my balance logs from Last tier (Which is what I linked) Since I switched to druid ~3 weeks ago it’s not a fully online toon. But if you refer to last tiers logs you can see what I CAN do with it. And in comparison, to my peers (which is the best comparison) I do exceptionally well. I would prefer you compare my to my peers because it is the “fair” approach. Comparing me to your personal “ideal” of what you think should happen is a benchmark that is worthless.

I see you were incensed by the benching of your friend (and potentially other things you never spoke about) but then you just leave the guild and during the middle of a raid. You guys were not a good fit, because you were selfish players. Your current behavior illustrates you as so.

I think criticism is an important thing to receive as a leader. But this is not constructive. Instead, its toxic. Reflected simply by the immature and destructive way you are delivering your feedback.

Either way; you contributed little while you were here and even less upon departure.

But hey - thanks for the bump.

Either way; you contributed very little while you were here and even less upon departure.

Spoken like a gm which cares more about communism simulator than downing raid bosses. We did not disrupt your guild when we left. This is what happens when your conflict resolution strategy is ignoring a person and hoping the problem goes away. By sitting core raiders you’re just gimping your own raid team’s vault and loot chances, how is that productive to progression.

Lalore and Futons, you guys are cool no problems with you or any of the officer team really (maybe screw rek for stealing PI :P). I hope the guild does well honestly, it’s just not worth it for us performing yet not being prioritized when I get randoms whispering me to join their more progressed guilds on the regular. And nice BFA logs xD indeed you have potential!

Gentlemen. The bumps do alot to increase our visiblity. Thanks!

I hope one day you gentlemen find a team you decide to invest in.

Your talent would add a lot to somewhere you decided to contribute.

Too bad.

I thought we had agreed on leaving PI out of this…

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