[H] <Afterlife> | Wrath Classic | Recruitment



For more information about the guild, message:

Guildmaster: Rðrik/Faite

Officers: Sonaden, Wulfcrusade, Risen


Afterlife is a PVE raiding guild of capable, fun loving, yet mature adults that enjoy PVP, questing, clearing dungeons, raiding and general shenanigans. We have a splendid and fun loving atmosphere but know when it is time to get serious. Several of us have gamed together for nearly fifteen years.

Afterlife was created with the adult gamer in mind. Those that have jobs, families, and a life outside of WoW, yet know their class and want to progress on raid nights and when time allows, is exactly the type of gamer this guild was designed for. Exceptional yet casual.


Normal Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday evenings; 8:30PM – 11:00PM Server/Eastern Time or 7:30PM - 10:00PM Central Time


Afterlife is recruiting for our Core Raid team. The needed classes are listed below. In addition to recruiting for our Core Raid team, we continue to accept and welcome players that believe the guild would be a good fit for them as they level. We’re flexible and place emphasis on your attitude and fit within the guild.

Core Raiding Classes needed: current as of 10-05-2022

Death Knight: Full

Druid: 1, Feral dps

Hunter: 1-2, Marksman or Survival

Mage: Full

Paladin: 1 Retribution, 1 Holy

Priest: Full

Rogue: Full

Shaman: 1, Elemental or Enhance

Warlock: 2, Affliction or Demo

Warrior: 1, Arms or Fury


Raiding will begin on October 6th, 2022 when Naxxaramas, The Eye of Eternity, and The Obsidian Sanctum become available. While our focus will be the 25 player raid content, we intend to clear all raid content that Wrath Classic has to offer. In addition to this, we will be striving for every raid achievement (lets get those mounts and titles!) with as little stress and as much fun as possible. It’s a marathon not a race!


For more details about our loot system, raiding goals and/or schedule, class/spec needs, or if you just want to chat; please contact an Afterlife Officer. We look forward to speaking with you.

~Afterlife gaming family

We are still looking for a few more folks to fill out our raid team.

Do you have a BTAG?

Sure thing, hit me up at Sonadin#1717 or any of us in game. I will be updating our recruitment needs in the original post, today.

Need priest or dk? I can play any spec.

We are full on melee but are still looking for a healer if you are interested in the holy route for your priest. We have a disc spec currently. We might have a shadow spec spot opening up if you would like to dps on the priest.

Still looking for a Ret Paly and Arms/Fury Warrior for our Wrath raid team.

Hey I’m a ret/prot Pally. Boosted at 70 but played pally all through original wotlk. I’m looking for a guild to raid with at 80.

My Pallys name is Porchpop

I apologize for the delayed response. Most of us have been taking it easy this last week before Live. Feel free to message me in game or through battle.net, Sonadin#1717. I look forward to hearing from you.

Friend request sent! Ret/Prot Pally. Times mostly work and I think the vibe fits. Look forward to speaking with you!

Still looking for a few more classes/specs to fill out our 25 man roster.

If you have any mage spots open up I’d be very interested. My IRL friends and I are coming back to Wrath classic after sweating our asses off in classic, skipping BC entirely from burnout, and looking for a more casual but serious experience now. We are Mage, Lock, Resto Druid, and Spriest.

Replying as my classic toon

howdy Volstrucker, we would love to have you guys. If you have a time today we can chat anytime in game.

Or can hit me up on bnet mentioned above.

Are you guys still accepting people who want to do the PvP, Questing, dungeons, and shenanigans? I’d have to transfer my shaman over from the realm I got auto-shoved into and I still have my wrath pass boost and was gonna try a warlock/hunter. I went through wrath the first time as horde and I’m really wanting to go back through again under the red banner.

hey Gladiatorade, for sure, we are accepting everyone to hang out and run things with. If you wanted to raid with us eventually, we are now full on locks, but would love to have a hunter for our raid team.

Looking to recruit a few dps and a healer going into Ulduar for our 25m team.