[H] [Affinity] of <Effortless> 1/10M - LF 4 DPS and 1 Healer

Affinity is the Tuesday/Thursday team in Effortless. We are prioritizing recruitment to start mythic progression raiding and preparing for 9.1 content.

Current prog: 1/10M - 10/10H
Times: 8 - 11 PM CST Tuesday/Thursday
(invites 15 minutes before raid time)
Looking for:

  • Warlocks
  • DPS DK
  • Resto Shaman/Resto druid
  • Mages

Not required to be in this list, if you dont play these still message or contact me here

Jakethesnake#12135 (battle)
Jake#6205 (discord)

still recruiting

Soularc - Mal’Ganis
Frost Mage 223ilvl 4/10
Battletag archuleta# 11859
I am looking for a new guild to raid with. Time that you guys raid look good to me.

hey there soul, were interested in trialing you whenever youd like to start! just message me in game or discord pls!

Yeah I can trial whenever, I used to be in guild not too long ago.