We are open to discuss any potential merges.
Raid Times
Wednesday 8pm - 11pm ST
Thursday 8pm - 11pm ST
About us
We are a mature and competitive guild made up of ex-hardcore raiders who no longer have the time to raid 3 days a week due to RL and work. We still aim for AOTC each tier and try to push as far as we can into Mythic content in our 2 day raid schedule.
We also have members who regularly run high M+ keys every week.
Who we are looking for
Players who know how to play their class well, pull their weight and can pick up on mechanics quickly.
People who always try to improve.
Punctual and consistent players - being on time and able to attend raids. We are all adults and understand work and RL takes priority. We just require prior notice if anything pops up.
Tank with DPS offspec
All exceptional players are welcome. (Raiders or M+ runners)
Contact us
PM in game:
Battle Tag:
i am a senior member of <Tribo> and we are currently on a rebuild, and are open to various options. If you are open to talking, please contact me through my bnet rapthefro#1218 or message me in game.
Willing to take in all
Still recruiting! Currently pushing for M Zek’Voz and looking for more M+ members pushing 13+
We are now 2/8M and looking for more ranged dps/healers for prog!
2/8M Enjoying Zekvoz prog! Give us a bell
Still looking for more to join us on Mythic Zek prog!
Wangdaddy#1184 or Treebucket#1896
3/8 now! WOOOH
Looking for a Tank and RANGED DPS!
a Holy pally wouldnt be bad either XD
Hit us up!
Looking for a Tank and any other exceptional players
Keen to Hit Dazaralor where it hurts!
BUMP Progressing through BoD heroic.
5/9 Heroic looking for mages
Bump. Progging well through Dazaralor
Looking for a Mage, Boomy, Fury Warrior and R Shaman
Looking for Mage, Boomy and Fury Warrior + any other exceptional DPS
Still looking for a Tank, Boomkin and Mage!