Actual Apes on Zul’jin (H) 12/12M is a newly focused mythic raiding guild recruiting members for Shadowlands. We began progression raiding together in Ny’alotha in late May and have been building momentum ever since.
Progression nights are Sat/Sun 8-11p EST, and we do an optional farm run & RBGs on Fridays.
High priority: Ranged dps
Medium priority: Resto shaman, Resto druid
If your spec isn’t listed above, we will always consider a player who demonstrates skill and knowledge of their class while maintaining a competitive attitude.
We often push high keys or arenas while not raiding. We also do guild events, like transmog competitions, and play other non-Blizzard games together during our off-time. We’re a social bunch, and our discord is always a fun time!
For more info, reach out on discord: xraycat#6774