i like dogs, and cat

catdog dogcat

7 pm on Atiesh — Horde side — Our guild has more people down in silithus than every other horde guild combined.

Team work - thats what we are about!

74% done with the bug grind - #teamwork


I see bug people.

Send help.

DId somebody say bugs?

bugs are dead, all of them, none are left…

AQ ready - are you?

last bump before i need to remind the guild again…

Hey all, throwing a bump for great justice.
Everyone in this guild has been pretty awesome, it’s been a pleasure the
last year raiding with everyone.
Per chad’s last e-mail, we’re currently looking for dps warriors and a hunter.

Many people have been transferring to Atiesh and it’s got a reasonably healthy
environment. Not a ton of toxicity, and the server drama level is pretty chill.

What nu said, its a great environment

On top of needing the warrior/hunter, also might be room for a rogue/resto shamman.

Thanks for the bumps friends!

bump it up - full clear - TONS of good loot

DFT’s and rejuv gems for all!

all the loots are here for the taking!

Have great leadership who write guides for all latest raids!

Don’t miss out on all tge great new AQ fun! Join today!

AQ cleared Horde 2nd, server 5th. Isn’t it weird how they put the end boss of AQ halfway through the instance? You’d think it would be the big eye guy at the end.