[H] <Achievement> Guild Recruiting

It’s Hump Day! The weekend will soon be upon us, and it’ll be time to do mount runs, Achievement hunting, and full on tomfoolery! That’s right, I said it! I dropped an F-bomb! Techinically, a T-bomb, but that’s irrelevant! Join up and get in on all T-bombs!

Movin on up!

Tonight is Guild Night! In a few hours, we’ll be getting together to run some achievements, maybe mount hunt, and definitely have a good time. We’re biting at the bit for Shadow Lands, and we’re looking forward to blasting into with style. You wanna join now, get yourself a set of guildies who have fun, do the grind, and help one another out. You’ll be running with experienced players with great personalities and those who stand out in the crowd. Join up! You know you want to!

We’re getting ready for prepatch and SL those smoldering runs are also going great for our members!

I’ve been having a lot of fun here in this guild since moving to WRA a couple weeks ago! Community is very important to me, I believe I’ve found a home in with this lovely bunch! :slight_smile:

Discord is always poppin and they have really cool commands integrated into it, never seen that before! @_@ So fun!!

It’s the first weekend after Pre-Patch! Happy? Sad? Angry? All of those? Want people to complain/praise about all that’s happened? Join Achievement! We’ve got players from all walks of life, with varying degrees of experience in the game. We mount farm, run team achievements, team up to do daily missions, islands…we do it all. This is a perfect jumping on point! Contact us today!

Tonight is Guild Night! We’ll be hunting group achievements, ((hints in the guild name, kids)), and then running riot wherever point of interest gets out attention! Come join in on the fun!

Afternoon Wyrmrest Accord! It’s almost Hump Day! Dungeons have been reset, so mount farming has kicked back in. You know you wanna do that with Guildmates who are never dull, boring, or bein a right ol’ stick in the mud. Here at Achievement, we have excitement! Intrigue! Swear words!..hmmm…maybe I shouldn’t mention that. And if you’re really lucky, you’ll be around for moments that’ll make you laugh, cry, and wonder what the Freud you’ve gotten into! Join up, you’ll love us!

I’ve never been in a guild like this before. I feel excited to log on even during this time before Shadowlands where there’s not much to do, and yet I’m never bored. I’ve made great friends in this guild so easily, because there’s just so many great people. I love the overall maturity of the guild and compassion shown towards each other. There’s always someone willing to help you if you ask for it.

I was happy enough when I joined and started reliably getting mounts from meta achievements every week, and I was pleased at how organized those events are, but what really made go from happy, to invested, was feeling just how much care the leader puts into this guild. It really shows and I think it’s a big part of how they’ve managed to foster such a good community that I’m delighted to see and be a part of everyday.

I joined with the mere intention of using the guild as a resources to find people to complete non-soloable achievements with, and within a couple of months found myself agreeing to be an officer, and forming real friendships with people. It’d be easy to claim that I don’t even understand how that happened, but truthfully, it’s obvious to see how welcoming this guild is if you give it a chance.

Whether it’s this guild or some other, I hope whoever reads this finds a guild they feel that way about. It’s an actual game changer. Reach out to us on Wyrmrest Accord if you’re looking for a real community, not just another guild.

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I was hesitant to join a guild after previous experiences with guilds. I finally decided to join one again after accepting I couldn’t get too far solo. I am so glad I did. I have felt welcomed since I joined, the members are friendly and always willing to help you out with various things from obscure quests, farming runs, and achievements (Ha, I said the guild name). The various guild events and challenges make me look forward to jumping on, even while waiting for the next expansion.

Bumpity bump bump bumpity bump bump! Shadowlands is on it’s way! Come join up, you’ll love the way you look in our tabard…I guarantee it!

Bump. This is hands down the best guild and atmosphere I’ve seen. Im returning from over a decade long hiatus and have been welcomed with open arms.

This guild is super friendly and their point system is really fun and easy to understand. Advancing in the guild is straightforward and it feels like I’m accomplishing something while helping out a guildmate with a quest or hanging out on raid night. :smiley:

We originally had Ny’alotha meta achievement on the calendar for this saturday… but due to the holiday we moved it back a week. That should be an interesting challenge!

New guild website coming up soon as well. hurray!

Happy Samhain/Halloween/Trick or Treat Night! Here at Achievement, we’re in full swing getting ready for ShadowLands, and you really wanna come along for the crazy ride. Mount Farming, Achievement hunting, Guild Nights…all of that and more! Gives us a look, you’re not gonna regret joining up!

Boom shaka laka! Greetings from Achievement! We’ve added quite a few folks to our roster the past week, and I like to think my numerous posts and charm has led to that. But, harken! Hear from Feryl, Sir Totally Gnarly, Clothes Horse, and veteran newb! You wanna join up! You really, really do. Just ask around. Look for Lonely, Hasslehoof, Ruckuspaw, and many, many others. They’ll tell you that we’re great! Believe them. We are…we’re smooth. Like molasses on a warm blade.

Back on up to the top!
Tonight we’re doing the Ny’alotha Meta achievements!

The Scourge has arrived! You wanna kick em back to the Beyond! Join Achievement! We are the rootin tootinest buckaroos from ALL over Azeroth…

Let’s face it, I was going for a Wild Wild West thing there, and it didn’t really pay off. But still, join up! We’re active, insane, and always in it to win it!

It’s Hump Day! Zombies, old enemies released from the Dead Plane have arrived and wrecking havoc all over Azeroth…well, mostly Ice Crown, but that’s still in Azeroth! Y’all wanna join up with us. We game together, have awesome Discord stuff, ((ask about the card game we’ve created)), and we team up to help our guildies and don’t hesitate to ask stuff. Someone will probably know the answer. But don’t ask me, I’m a veteran noob, but I can point you in the direction of a WoW Whisperer.

As always we are still actively seeking people with similar interests! With shadowlands just around the corner, reach out and join us!