[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 4/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Afternoon everyone! Looking for some more for Sun King! :slight_smile:

Hello! Still LF more

Good luck :slight_smile:

Still looking for a couple for mythic prog

A WW would be nice!

Working on Xymox this Thursday!

Xy’mox down. Still looking for DPS for 9.1 and reclears

Recruiting DPS for 9.1 fun!

Add Aidy or myself if you’re interested in a great team for 9.1

Recruiting for 9.1 Add us

Open recruitment for 9.1

Updated needs for 9.1! Hit us up if you’re interested in joining us! :smiley:

Bumping for 9.1 now that there is a release date!

Recruiting for 9.1, need all DPS

Still looking for DPS for 9.1

We are recruiting DPS for 9.1! Add us

9.1 is here! Looking for a couple DPS

9.1 is here! Add us! Need a Shadow priest, WW monk, maybe one or two other dps

Need a Shadow Priest, a DH, and a WW monk!

Shadow Priest(disc os a +), WW, any other great DPS add us!