[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 4/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Would still consider 1 or 2 dps.

Still would consider 1 or 2 strong AF players. Hit us up! Farm tonight / Prog Thursday!

Will accept 1 damage dealing DH with solid AF logs only.

Could use one good warrior!

Would consider 1-2 strong melee damage classes(Rogue, DK, Warrior) Add Aidy or myself to chat!

Bump for those warriors!

Could use a rogue!

Looking for 1 rogue for a core raid spot. Logs/Experience needed.

Looking for more for our mythic roster!

Looking for cooler people :smiley:

Actively recruiting for SL :smiley:

Could use a couple more melee. DH’s?

Could use a good rogue!

Bumping :smiley:

Bumping :slight_smile:

Need a warlock with exp

Looking for a Resto Shaman & Disc Priest

Looking for another DPS or two and a healer possibly to add to our roster!

Could use a few more for mythic progression :slight_smile:

Good morning! LF Raiders!