(H) a place to call "home away from home"

i mostly main Alliance on Westfall, but due to servers having a 10 character limit, there’s no room for any Horde characters.

hence why i’ve chosen Pagle as my Horde server, for the foreseeable future…and also why i’m looking for a guild on Horde side.

i’m not expecting a hardcore raiding guild of sorts, i’m just searching for a place to call “home away from home”…a fun, friendly, down-to-earth guild, that helps it’s members out with quests, professions, dungeons and such.

highest lvl character i’ve got at the moment, is a Dwarf Paladin at lvl 29 and a Tauren Shaman at lvl 9

i’m still on the fence about what to play Horde side though, so i’ve got a few alts that i’ll alternate between from time to time.

We have a fair number of horde, but I think it’s 70/30 Alliance. Why wouldn’t you roll on Mankirk?

most of the names i usually pick for my Horde characters were already taken on Mankirk. ._.

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I have that problem here! Pesky extra L.

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yeah, it’s my own fault for not reserving names when i had the chance…but honestly, i wasn’t sure if my old rig was good enough to play Classic, but it was.

course i got a new one that plays it very well. (recommended is 7/10 which i think is moderately high-high, but it can run on 10/10 or Ultra High)

in the event Blizzard DOES go through with the idea for BC/Wrath servers, i’ll be sure to reserve my choice names ahead of time, so i’ll be prepped. :stuck_out_tongue: