i mostly main Alliance on Westfall, but due to servers having a 10 character limit, there’s no room for any Horde characters.
hence why i’ve chosen Pagle as my Horde server, for the foreseeable future…and also why i’m looking for a guild on Horde side.
i’m not expecting a hardcore raiding guild of sorts, i’m just searching for a place to call “home away from home”…a fun, friendly, down-to-earth guild, that helps it’s members out with quests, professions, dungeons and such.
highest lvl character i’ve got at the moment, is a Dwarf Paladin at lvl 29 and a Tauren Shaman at lvl 9
i’m still on the fence about what to play Horde side though, so i’ve got a few alts that i’ll alternate between from time to time.