[H] [A] - EST - Druid/Priest LF Arena Partners/guild

Hey there!

I quit playing Classic about 6 months after it was released, and am looking to return with TBC. My primary focus and interest is arena (can’t get enough of them!).
I currently have a Horde Resto Druid on a dead server and plan to transfer him to wherever I find a new home. I’m also considering playing a Disc Priest (I love to heal!). I’m not opposed to rerolling Alliance for the right opportunity either.

Anyway… I’m looking for friendly, laid back folks to arena with. I don’t have the time, patience or inclination to play with anyone that rages or is toxic. A little about my experience: I’ve been playing since original Vanilla and played religiously during TBC and Wrath. I was Duelist from S3 onward before finally hitting Glad in Wrath. I’ve played retail off and on the last couple of expacs as a Duelist.

My intent would be to get Gladiator again and I’m looking for like-minded and similarly skilled folks to play with (I like to record my games and analyze them - always looking to improve). If you think your guild might be a good fit for me, I’m open to that too.


Thanks for the replies guys. I think I’ve decided on Alliance on the Mankrik server due to finding a group of folks I enjoy playing with. I’m still in search of Arena teammates though!

Hey there mate. I’ll be running a rogue come tbc launch as my main and I’m also aiming for gladiator, hopefully Infernal Gladiator as well. Pm on discord I’d love to chat about my experience.


Hey Deductible,
While I myself will focus on PVE more than PVP, we have a lot of people who are going to be looking to do some arena and rank up. The group of people we have are as supportive and non toxic are they come. Take a look and if your not interested no worries. Good luck to you.

Hey Deductible I’m a rogue that is shooting for Glad in arena as well. I’ve been prepping by playing pvp servers for months and beta. I’ve hit 2.4k in 2s and 2.1k in 3s. My competitive raiding guild is also looking for a resto druid. DM on Discord if this sounds like a good fit! Sharpzy#5534

(Horde - Skeram btw) Here’s my guild’s Recruitment Post