[H/A] Dragonhawk Races 🐉

I will be looking forward to being there and cheer on the racers, may even participate as a racer if the mood strikes me. :slight_smile:


And speaking of, tomorrow will be the next meet, for anyone with interest! I’ll be around before and after if people want a bit more hands on help with set up and what not!

As requested:

Sunsail Blitz

Sunstrider Isle

Ruins of Zul'Aman

The Amani Stretch

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Im looking forward to this!

Character Stat Sheets:

Stats Total Description
Speed: 8 /roll 8
Handling: 7 /roll 7
Reflexes: 5 /roll 5
Total Points: 20 You can distribute these 20 points where ever you want.

Stat Sheet for Furian:

Stats Total Roll
Speed: 10 /roll 10.
Handling: 6 /roll 14.
Reflexes: 4 /roll 16.
Total Points: 20 /roll 20.

The second meet was a blast, and a good continuation. We’re going to do another practice for newer racers to get in on it, and then an actual competitive race on the 23rd of this month (a Saturday.) Event details are up top on the original post, at the bottom!

Thanks to those who came!

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Bumping for visibility! While I was originally intending to spectate the races, I found myself pleasantly surprised in participating! I’d love to see more people get involved.

This friday’s practice will be a prime time to get in on the action!

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As stated, tomorrow is our next practice! NEXT WEEK, however, we’re hosting the first rated event, which will start generating a win/loss ratio for participants, in the hopes that we can start forging together competitive teams!

More are always welcomed!

Stat Sheet for Felspark:

Stats Total Roll
Speed: 8 /roll 12.
Handling: 7 /roll 13.
Reflexes: 5 /roll 15.
Total Points: 20 /roll 20.
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This is tonight, btw!

Give us more than a week’s notice and I’ll see if I can make some room on our guild calendar but we really need some prior planning for that.

Edit and update, 2/23:

Unfortunately I’m going to have to postpone tonight’s race due to IRL obligations; I will post an updated time schedule for the next few meets soon!

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