[H][A] 407 Mage lf Mythic raiding guild

Hi there, I am currently looking for 2-3 nights Mythic BOD progression guild on ANY Oceanic server (willing to transfer), preferably Wed, Thur, Mon evening.

I have raided regularly throughout Wrath, Cata, MOP on and off and deleted account before Legion.

I have well-rounded experience in Raid, for example,

I have achieved :

e.g. Trial of Crusader 10(H) 50/50
ICC 25(H) 10/11
No BWD, Firelands
DS 25(H) 8/8
SOO M 8/13

Please let me know if you find me suitable for your criteria! I am hard committed and consistent once I am involved! Also open to feedback and willing to discuss strategy, skills etc. I have discord and working Mic

Btag: Rollyxoxoxo#1550

Dropbears of Funk are looking for ranged

Wed/thurs 7.30.

Contact me in game or I will will post a link below

Hey! Clinical on Khazgoroth is currently 5/9 M BoD and always on the look out for some good dps.
3 Nights raiding, Wed/Thur/Sun.
Add klaws#1748 on bnet for a chat if you are interested.

Hi there,

SuperStars on Frostmourne alliance (6/9M) has a vacancy open for an exceptional Mage. We raid Sun/Mon 8pm - 11pm AEST.

If interested, hit me up on Chassaria#1553