[H] [9/9H 4/9M] <Destiny Cloudfist> Fri/Sat 8-12 EST DPS for AB

We are recruiting members for our roster from any server now that mythic cross realm is enabled. Currently we stand at 9/9 Heroic 4/9 Mythic looking for members to push toward CE. Will also accept AOTC players for Heroic runs who will want to fill from time to time in Mythic progression/re-clear. Fri/Sat 8pm-12 EST.

We first and foremost understand this is a game and want to have fun but at the same time make progression happen. We take raiding seriously but have a blast doing so.

Guild Requirements:

  • 90% Attendance
  • Willingness to learn and put the guilds progress above personal loot
  • Bossmod addon, Weak Auras, RClootcouncil and Angry assignments
  • Run M+ to fill the weekly vault. We will help with this.

We will provide potions, guild repairs, enchants, & vantus runes.

forms.gle/ mtVUyDCJ8q241iHK9

Contact me @ Discord Vipe#7293 or Bnet Vipe#1517 if you have any questions.

Still looking for 1 Healer and 1 DPS to complete our raid team.

Still looking for a solid DPS to complete our team :slight_smile:

LF 1 more DPS to fill ranks

Still looking for a few dps to complete our roster :slight_smile:

Looking to fill the last few DPS spots

LF another DPS to trial for our raid spot

Looking for a couple more well rounded players to fill our mythic team :slight_smile:

LF a few solid DPS to round out our roster.

Looking for a few solid players to complete our team :slight_smile:

Still looking to fill a few DPS slots to complete our raid team.

LF a few solid DPS to round out our roster.

Still looking for a few solid players to push CE next tier.

LF some solid DPS to push into 10.1

Hey, I took a couple year break from wow and I am coming back now. I am a mythic raider by nature and would love to gear and trial for a spot with you guys. I am a mage. I can speak more in discord if you’d like.

Looking for more for 10.1 Message me for info

Still LF a few DPS to round out our roster :slight_smile:

Still LF some solid DPS to join our team! :slight_smile:

Still LF a few solid DPS to join our roster :slight_smile:

LFM DPS for raiding