[H] 8/8H 1/8M Area 52 Guild Recruiting for Mythic

[HELLO HELP] on Area52 is currently recruiting for Mythic Eternal Palace. Looking for exceptional player to push further into Mythic. We also do M+ regularly so recruitment is also open to casuals who would like to join.

Knowledge of the fights and being prepared with food and pots before raid starts, our officer team usually supplies cauldrons for raid days. Good communication skills is also a plus, don’t worry we wont bite. :slight_smile:

Looking for:
Healers: Holy Pally / Disc Priest
Tank: Preferred a BrM Monk, but i’m open to other tanks
DPS: Mainly looking for Ranged Dps of any kind

Casuals are welcome to join.

Current Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 830pm - 1130pm EST
Monday 830pm - 1130pm EST (Optional alt raid)

Contact us if you’re interested!
Shiama / Blackdelta#11333 - GM/Raid Lead
Nao / Sparklez#11624 - Recruiter
Dyrv / TinyTrex#1230 - Recruiter