[H] 7/8h Pres Evoker LFG Aotc/Mythic


Currently 8/8n and 7/8h Pres Evoker looking for a full time spot in a guild aiming for AOTC and/or some mythic bosses. Previous mythic raider on a Holy Priest for years and also a prior heal lead. Tired of currently pugging for M+ and raid kills.

Looking for a Horde side guild on a preferably large server (A52, ZJ, etc) that ends by 11pm EST any days of the week. Looking for a full time spot and not flex healing. Please leave guild info below.

Hey there Auroxas!

[THE NUMPTY BRIGADE] on Illidan is currently looking for a Preservation Evoker. We are an AOTC-focused guild that started in Shadowlands and is aiming to do some Mythic this tier/expansion.

Our raid nights are FRIDAY / SATURDAY at 7:30-10:30PM CST. (I know that you want raid to end by 11PM EST but hopefully a little bit over is okay!) Our current prog is 6/8H with our lowest attempt at Broodkeeper being 24%.

In addition to raiding, we’re very keen on keys, with the majority of our members achieving KSM and beyond each tier. Other activities our members like to indulge in are: PvP, achievement and mount farming.

If you are interested, feel free to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16Y-UEcwEbN1dHe8wV2v19w0okz7xPiMtssdoQvG5tjA/

If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our officers:

ACKLE: Ackleholic#3313 (Discord)

KREG: Kreg#2602 (Discord)

Thank you for the guild info!

Area 52 2/8M

Raid Times Tues/Thurs 8-11 cst.

Would possibly be interested in having you jump aboard. Feel free to message me for further details.

Discord : Collizion#3887
Bnet : Collizion#1346

Thank you for the info!


our raid times end at 12am EST, but we fit the other criteria. if you were able to make that work, heres the rest of our info:

if interested you can contact me on btag hero#1272 or discord hero#0703

GL in your search

This guy is legit, strong recommend from his last group. Our times just didn’t work out in the long run.

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Thank you Heifer! Back to the top!

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