[H] 70 Twink Guild

Hello! I’m not sure if anyone on our server(s) would be interested but some friends and I have started playing 70 twinks recently, our goal is to get at least 10 people and attempt to do Sunwell as a 10 man for the increased difficulty (if it’s too hard we would try 15 instead) because we think it would be pretty fun. We are just looking for bodies at the moment, so the only requirement is that you be level 70 and have XP turned off, we will help get you your BiS gear and help with your professions for specific gear and gems also, haven’t determined raid days/times or anything yet as we’re just now recruiting.

Right now our current raid comp is;

TANK: Prot Warrior / X
HEALER: Holy Paladin / X / X
DPS: Outlaw Rogue / Demo Warlock / X / X / X

We would really like a priest and shaman or druid healer, and caster/ranged dps, but willing to take whatever we can get. Thanks for reading and if you are interested or have any questions please add my b-tag eni#11309

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Meant to make the post on my actual 70, oh well.

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I’m an old player with a large number of 70 twinks. Most are BiS already. You or anyone else interested in 70 is welcome to add me. Jumpman #1830