[H] 70 mage LF semi-HC guild

Looking for a chill 18+ guild to raid with in TBC.

My most recent experience of wow before TBC was mythic raiding in shadowlands (over 90+ parses on most fights for the bosses I cleared before guild disbanded at the time). Just looking to have some fun with TBC since I never played the original.

I’m available pretty much every day but prefer not to raid past 12 am server time (1 am max). Currently, I’m just working on attunements and getting pre-bis gear for raids. I’ll probably stick with frost for a bit because it’s more lenient towards dungeon grinding until I get more pieces to transition into fire soon and eventually arcane in T5.

If you have more questions, reach me at:

discord - greyfox#5434 (preferred method of comm.)
bnet - fox#14258
ign - Paytolose