[H] 7/8m 382 Ret Paladin LFG 9pm-12pm EST


Just recently my Mythic Raiding guild had to discontinue our Mythic Raiding progression as it was too much of a strain for some members IRL. The only Mythic Boss I was not there for was Fetid the Devour for he is a very bad boss for paladins and there were other members with classes better suited on our roster at the time. As a paladin I have ran the orbs for our G’huun progression and have over 60 pulls on the boss.

I have other Alt characters who I have not geared or leveled as they were not needed for the roster such as a Havoc DH (370ilvl), BM Hunter, Warrior (Arms/Fury), and Shaman (Ele/Enhance).

I am looking for a Mythic Progression guild that raids Tues-Thurs preferred 9-12pm EST.
My Battle net Tag is Rhapsodical#1161 if you want to add me.