(H) 6/8H <Miasma> Looking for DPS!

Formed in 2013, Miasma is a near 10 year vet guild on Mal’Ganis. The majority of our roster has been playing together since formation in MoP!

We’re deemed a casual guild based off of how many hours we dedicate to raid, but have the mentality of a progression guild. We expect new players, raiders and officers alike to follow by the same standards, and share the same mindset going into raiding and M+.

Feel free to add me on Battlenet (Lotto#1142) to discuss more!

Thank you for showing interest in Miasma-Mal’Ganis!

Our raid times are:
Tues/Wed/Thurs from 9:30-11:30pm CST.

We’re currently recruiting any non-leather DPS with high priority on:
ENH Shaman

We are accepting casuals as well!