Horde US-Mal’Ganis
Raid times: 9 hrs/week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00p.m. - 12:00a.m EST
Current needs:
Tank - Open to all w/ strong dps offspec
Healer - druid, mw, priest of both specs (any others with strong performance)
mDPS - DK, Rogue, and others with strong performance
rDPS - Mage and others with strong performance
Link to application: forms.gle/uThKwmJZfKTFYuPf7
However, ALL strong applicants will be considered.
Current progression: 6/10M with Council progressed to Phase 3
Contacts: If you are interested in joining or have questions, you can use any of the channels below:
Meme Team Six is a new guild, formed from the ashes of a guild that fell apart during progression. In forming this guild, we were able to keep 15 of the members of our core raid group together to continue the tier, and are now looking to round out the rest of our roster and finish our push toward Mythic Denathrius and go into 9.1 strong.
We are a guild that sets out to get CE at a comfortable pace, without asking our raiders to raid extra nights or maintain multiple alternate characters. If you show up to scheduled raid nights when you are expected to and keep your character up to date, you’ll find a great home here.