[H] 6/10 M <Aether> Now Recruiting!

Aether has a long established history since 2011 and an exceptional core group that continues to grow each tier. Our raiding roster has improved dramatically over the tier and we are aiming for Cutting Edge in 9.1. We are, however specifically looking for a Mage and DPS warrior to fill a recent gap created in our roster due to IRL obligations. We would also encourage any DPS DK or Resto Druid interested in joining the team to apply! Aside from that, we will always consider any applicant who shows promise, regardless of class/spec, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Raid times:

Tuesday and Wednesday, 9-11:30 PM EST (6-8:30 server).

We only raid two days a week, but we make the most of our time. You can see from our progress stats that we progress efficiently, though this recent gap in our roster has slowed us down as of late. (I would include a link, but it isn’t allowed on these forums)

What we expect from our raiders:

  • Be familiar with the fights beforehand. We use discord to discuss strategy for each encounter before setting foot in the raid, keep up on it.
  • Be prepared and on time. Food / Flasks / Vantus will be provided by the guild. Potions, Oils, and Augment Runes are on you.
  • Don’t be a jerk. Pretty self-explanatory, treat people with respect and contribute to a quality raid environment.
  • Be able to communicate over discord.
  • Always be looking to improve.

What you can expect from us:

  • Fun, productive raid environment. We like to joke around and have a good time, but know when to focus up for the task at hand.
  • Reasonable leadership. We understand that real life obligations often take precedence and will find ways to accommodate where we can.
  • A collaborative approach to raiding. We use discord to discuss strategies beforehand and welcome input from all our raiders.

What we look for in an applicant:
While good parses are important for initial screening of potential raiders, we understand that there is more to being a great player than parses alone. The best raiders are those who are able to perform well while also flawlessly dealing with mechanics appropriately. We look deeper than the color of your parse. In addition to that, we are interested in people who are actively working to improve their play. Some of our best raiders were still relatively new to raiding, but put in the time and effort to improve rapidly and continue to grow as a player each tier.

How to apply:
Reach out to Kyreli #2946 on discord and we can talk. Include your class/spec, mythic progress, and a link to your logs.