I rolled on this server to play with friends, unfortunately being on the west coast means that their raids start while I’m still at work.
Vanilla- MT AQ40 up to Huhuran, MT Naxx - Raz, Patch, Noth
BC - MT and lead raids through Sunwell w/ Top 100 KJ kill
I quit playing early into WOTLK after my guild gave up on Yogg 0 after several low % wipes.
Ideally I’m looking for a guild that raids after 11PM ST on Fridays and Saturdays. I have a family now so raiding during what would be dinner time on the West Coast is a no go for me. I’d prefer to tank but I’m ok with being fury and off tanking as needed.
Contact info:
Discord - SumTingWong#3159
BattleNet ID - SumTingWong#11559