5/9m Continuity Kil’Jaeden
Raid times
Wednesdays 7-10pm PST
Sunday 7-10pm PST
Current needs
non-Monk tank
MW Monk/Resto Druid
Ranged DPS (sham, priest, hunter, mage) preferred but any good players are welcome
The core of our guild has been raiding together for multiple expansions now, we have a couple Cutting Edge achievements (HFC & EN) and have managed to get within 1-2 bosses for CE on pretty much every other tier.
Right now we are looking to replace some people who have just recently left from mid expac burnout, or are soon to be leaving.
Due to our minimalist raid schedule we have to make the most of our time that we spend in raid, so we are looking for people who can learn mechanics fast, not repeat mistakes, pull competitive DPS/HPS numbers, and people who can gear outside of raid through M+ and other sources.
Feel free to contact me at btag Mallycat#11719 or discord Mallycat#9192
You can also check out our discord @ discord.gg/CAqaKSs and contact an officer on there.