[H] [6/8M EP] <Really Bad Players> 2-Day LF Core DPS

I’m dead serious, I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.

Crypts, make sure you get a shield this week.

lolololol trying to get OS loot when titanforging is a thing

Sometimes, you have to wonder if ranged are worth it, they’re not even people! We take what we can get.

I mean it, Klaide 2.0

I still do not get that…
You just have to look at like this: in theory I’m screwing myself by not always trying to get mainspec loot now that everything is RNG loot with added sockets/titanforaging RNG on top :>

Meow meow mew meow purr

Okay, weeb.

No bully plz ktnxbai

ez reclear boys

Still the best post

No gravedigging.

Apply today and you could have my spot on the Jaina re kill tonight!

So long as they promise to potion on time…

Ima pot there forever now just for you <3

Recruiting warrior!

We need an AP buff. Almost willing to pay gold for it.

“Bring the player, not the class.”

Yet, the scroll of attack power is weaker than a Battle Shout, so…

Klaide 3.0, where you at?

Come kill stuff.

Yes, come execute things.