[H] [6/8M EP] <Really Bad Players> 2-Day LF Core DPS

Warriors and Warlocks, come join us.

War____ classes pls

We may be Really Bad Players, but we have Really Great Personalities.

That’s a bold-faced lie, we’re all delinquents. We’re fun, though.

I miss Kla…Crypts post bumpin’.

Looking for Cutting Edge?

Come get it.

God is dead and we killed him, so come join us and bask in the memes.

Recruiting people who want to slap Azshara in 8.2

LF a Mythic+ partner :slight_smile: 9k score needed

How much gold do i have to pay weekly to get a Battle Shout buff bot? I want to parse again.

We really need a decent Warlock since all of ours would rather play with babies instead.

Still need a baby hating Warlock.

Just apply 4head come get CE

Warlockssssssss. Multiple warlock positions available.

Also, a rogue? Maybe a shadow priest?

Maybe even someone who’s willing to bump the recruitment, any class for that.

We need to keep you busy though, Monq.

Bumping for Monquisha

Wow, Curb is back?