LF Resto Shaman or MW Monk
LF Mage
LF Warlock
Wowprogress Link: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/arthas/SECURITY
Raid Schedule:
Tue 9 - 12 Server
Thu 9 - 12 Server
Mo 9 - 12 Server (Only for limited time)
SECURITY is a very social Guild with emphasis on Mythic Progression. After a multi expansion break we re-started as a very casual 1 raid night a week Guild at the start of Legion and we slowly progressed into a very capable Mythic Guild.
We are currently in the process of revamping the Guild and have already picked up a lot of very talented players that were either part of a Top 100 Guild or were very successful raiders in general.
I will not bore you guys with a long wall of text explaining all the intricate things that make our Guild any more special than others out there. I can however promise you this. Full dedication from your Raid Leaders and Officers to assure that the Guild will continuously improve.
We have had times where everything seemed doom and gloom but we persisted and continued to improve. Most Guilds would either break apart or have players get at each others throats near the end of an expansion, especially after a long drawn out progression period, but we persisted and always tried our very best. A lot of our members knows each other from real life or chat and "shoot the !@#$" outside of Raid days via other forms of communication other than in-Game. I believe that this builds a stronger Core of players.... a Team.
Our current roster for BfA is looking exceptionally strong and we are very hopeful that we will rise up the ranks in this Game!
You can DM me here or send in Game mail to
or any other Officer you see online in Game. Thanks for your time!