[H] 595 Ret Pally Looking for AOTC/M+ Guild (830-1130pm EST) - Let’s Slay, Raid, and Chat!

Hey everyone!

I’m on the hunt for an AOTC-focused guild that loves pushing Mythic+ and raids between 8:30 pm and 11:30 pm EST. I’m looking for a chill yet driven group that knows how to get stuff done while having fun!

A few things about me:

  • Love running keys and pushing myself in M+ content
  • Always down for some friendly banter and theorycrafting in Discord (I’m pretty social and enjoy building strong bonds with my guildmates)
  • Dedicated and dependable raider who’s always looking to improve
  • Looking for an active guild community with a vibrant Discord so we can chat, hang out, and run content together outside of raid nights

If your guild is a friendly, active bunch that’s all about getting AOTC and pushing M+, let’s connect! I’m eager to meet some like-minded players and dive into the next adventure together.

Shoot me a message if this sounds like your guild!

Discord - Dax1530
Bnet- Dax#12129

Hey there!

We are still looking for dps for our T/TH raid. I linked out current post below with all our info so you can see what we are all about as well as our contact info. Best way to find me is on discord should you want to chat further. (I sent you a Discord request.)

Hope you don’t mind but I’m stealing this. Been looking for a guild for weeks and no luck.