[H] 451 Resto Shaman. 4/8M LF CE minded guild

451 Resto shaman with Ele / Enhance OS looking for a M Guild with at least 4/8 M this tier. Was 7/8 Uldir (Ghuun killed but never got mythrax myself) 7/9 BoD ( Guild died)
I main resto and would be willing to flex. Also looking for guild that is active more then raid days . I like doing lots of M+ and getting into arenas.

Add me on discord for any questions - JimJew#8155

Edit** : I work night shifts so i can not raid anytime after 10PM MT ( 10:30 at the latest) But any day of the week is fine .

Hello! [H] [Illidan] Is looking for Dps to finish our raid core! We are 4/8M and 8/8H and want to push CE this Tier! The raid times are Tues and wed 10pm-1am CST

lets do big things together! feel free to add any of the following people to learn more!

Discord=Randy (Datboi)#9961
Bnet= Randyftw12#1195

Discord= Gambi#0794


Discord= BK#5789

Hey there! As we approach a Aszhara kill this weekend or next, we are looking to bulk our roster going into 8.3, with that said we have a core healing spot open heading into 8.3. Check out our website and see the long history of the guild, if you think you can fit in with us then drop an app! Thanks for your time --Ratt

Raid times: 3:00PM to 7:00PM EST on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Current Progression: 9/9M BoD, 7/8M TEP

Current recruitment needs are the following:

Healer positions opened for any of the following:

  • Holy Paladin
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Disc Priest

Ranged DPS positions opened for any of the following:

  • Mage
  • Hunter
  • Shadow Priest

Melee positions opened for any of the following:

  • Frost DK
  • Rogue
  • Retribution Paladin

VANQUISH is an ancient guild with a long raiding history which can be found on our website @ www.vqguild. net by clicking the “History” tab in the top right!

We are currently the #1 2-day a week raiding guild on Sargeras, and one of the top weekend raiding guilds that World of Warcraft has to offer! Our raids begin at 3:00PM EST (invites at 2:30) and end at 7:00PM EST on Saturdays and Sundays each week. Because of our limited raid schedule, we are only interested in recruiting players who excel at understanding boss mechanics, are able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, and whom are able to avoid lethal raid mechanics while playing their character well. New recruits are also expected to have near 100% raid attendance during their trial period.

Each week raiding members are expected to prepare for the upcoming weekend raid by making sure they have enough consumables (food, flasks, and potions) for the 8 hour raid week. Researching and understanding upcoming fights, or current progression encounters, is also expected to take place prior to raid days.

Our guild community and general raid atmosphere is something very valuable to us. If you’re a consistently negative person, or someone with a generally bad attitude, this guild will not be a good fit for you. We do take our raiding time seriously though, and having “thin skin” will not serve you well.

Overall, VANQUISH is a performance-based guild. We expect people to play well and maintain respectable logs of encounters each week. Failure to do so will eventually get new recruits demoted to a non-raiding rank in our guild.

New recruits who are unable to maintain their raid attendance will not pass the trial period. If you have computer issues, internet issues, or outside commitments that would prevent you from making our raid times, this guild will not be a good fit for you.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about the application process, contact our GM @ Onslaught#1285 or Hut#1499 on BNet, or Onslaught#7682 or Ratt#7057 on Discord!

Guild: Dominion
Area 52 – Horde
8/8H 5/8M EP

We are a progression focused guild that realizes real life happens. We are not seeking server firsts; however, we do want to clear the top tier content. We were founded in Vanilla on Alter of Storms were we consistently made server second kills. However, the population on AoS was dwindling so we transferred to Stormrage in 2012 where we remained in the top 10-20th guild. With the Alliance raiding population dwindling we transferred to our new home, Area-52 in 2019 with the expectation of continuing our long-standing success.

In short, if you are looking for a consistent guild that makes progression targets, without the demands of those in the World First Race, Dominion may be the place for you.

We are recruiting all Exceptional DPS and healers.

Guild Progress
h ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Dominion
h ttps://raider.io/guilds/us/area-52/Dominion

Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-11PM EST
Optional Heroic Saturday 8-11PM EST

How to Apply
Please fill out an application at h ttps://goo.gl/1rqK2c
Visit our Discord for more information at h ttps://discord.gg/CJNKuXS
Feel free to contact any officer in game with questions; árch (Arch#11328), Sarisia (Solarshadow#1696), Aureliee (Aurelie#11489), or Kobrakaix(Kobrakai#1378)…

Hi Kaapokakko : ) We are definately looking to add a resto sham to our core. If our earlier raid times work foryou (5:30-830 EST or 2:30-6:30 MT), would like to chat.

<The Veil> 4/8M 8/8H is a raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We aim to push progression within a competitive 2-day (6 hour) schedule while still maintaining a fun and positive atmosphere. We treat each other with respect, seek high performance, excellent game-play and a positive attitude. Drama and toxic behavior are not tolerated here.

Raiding only 2 nights a week means we want our players to be the best they can be. Our members have families, careers, and studies, so we need to take the 6 hours we spend together seriously.

We also run Mythic + most days of the week. For some of us pushing high level keys is our primary WoW focus, but we also strive to make sure our raiders are getting their capped weekly rewards.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)
Thursday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)

Optional: Farm content re-clears (pending participation)

You must be able to reliably make the core raid nights with near 100% attendance. Real life does occasionally hit even the most reliable raider, all we ask is for as much notice as possible.

Current Needs:

We strive for an environment that takes the challenges of mythic raiding seriously while giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

We want someone that is going to put forth their best effort. This means knowing your class inside and out, coming to raid prepared with food, flask, runes, re-roll tokens, knowledge of upcoming encounters and your role within them. We are looking for someone who can think on their own and follow a strategy without being constantly reminded throughout the encounter.

Heals – preference for Holy pally or Resto shammy

Ranged DPS – all (preference for boomkin, warlock)

Melee DPS – all (preference for DH, WWmonk, ret paly)

Tanks – preference for dk, paladin, warrior

Exceptional players of any class should always feel free to apply. Our roster is somewhat flexible so we will never turn away a great player. We just want the best 20+ people in our raid so we can progress.

What we expect from you:

** Discord and a working mic is a requirement **

  • Be punctual, reliable, and competent
  • Have a good attitude towards raiding. While we do our best to have fun, our goal is to use our time efficiently and effectively.
  • Have the ability to take constructive criticism. We all make mistakes but repeating mistakes is the bane of progression. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and fix them.
  • Bring consumables: We expect raiders to bring flasks, potions, and some food in case we don’t provide feasts. While we may not pre-pot or food buff on initial pulls, it is expected that during serious attempts, all raiders are maximizing their output.

Our trial period is 2-3 weeks and in that time we consider a several factors - Performance, Situational Awareness, and Fit/Attitude/Attendance. Performance is your output (DPS/healing/threat). Situational Awareness is your ability to not take unnecessary damage and correctly execute fight mechanics. Fit/Attitude/Attendance is how well you fit in with the guild, your outlook on raiding, and your reliability in raids.

Please contact an officer for further information.

In-game: Cattiari | Btag: quirk#1650 | Discord: tipsqueak#6606

In-game: Deathtoany | Btag: cloud82#11941 | Discord: cloud82#5884

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting some great new recruits!

Hi Kaapokakko! My name is Carla. I believe you would be a great addition to our raid/guild. We are currently looking for a Resto Shaman to add to our raid roster for The Eternal Palace and beyond. I am not just looking for an individual who can fulfill a role, but also someone who fits our guild culture.

In BFA, we are looking to fully clear Heroic and progress through Mythic content, with our end goal being Cutting Edge. We understand that life can get hectic but do expect 85%+ raid attendance. Our raid environment is about having fun & enjoying each other’s company (being serious when needed) while progressing together as a team. We enjoy PVP & pushing keys in M+ too.

Our Raid Schedule: Days (2): Tues and Thurs 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST

EP 8/8H, 4/8M (1% on Orgozoa) BOD 9/9H, 6/9M, COS 2/2H, Uldir 8/8H, 3/8M

About Us
Jaded Retribution is a semi hardcore progression raiding guild on Mug’thol (PVP/PST). Although we took a hiatus, Jaded Retribution is one of the longest running guilds on Mug’thol. The majority of us have been actively raiding together since Cataclysm, while some of us have been playing together much longer than that. Our goal is to enjoy raiding while clearing current content. We are a fun, friendly, mature and drama free. We play other games outside of WOW such as PubG, DOTA2, COD, Destiny 2 and others.

Recruitment Expectations & Member Conduct

  • Be knowledgeable about your class as well as the boss encounters.
  • Be self-sufficient and come to raids prepared with all consumables they will need for any given raid, including your gear being fully repaired.
  • Have gear that is gemmed and enchanted optimally.
  • 85%+ raid attendance and promptness.
  • Be willing to sit if asked to do so.
  • Have a microphone and be able to use Discord during raids.
  • Have a stable Internet connection.
  • Want to have fun.

Interested in Applying
Contacts on battletag: Layliah (Recruitment Officer) @ Layliah#1369 or Darktoy (DPS Officer) @ Puzzlebox#1630

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to speaking with you!