LF something semi serious currently 1/8M 8/8H Prog. Staying Horde will not swap over to Alliance. As well as only looking to raid Wed/Thur also have prog with previous tiers on other classes.
Hi there! We are looking for a Boomkin for mythic prog. If T/TH would work for you, I’d love to chat if you are available.
Discord – Katliana#3289
Our spam is listed below:
Salt Factory US#206 [9/9M BoD - 4/8M EP]
Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild.
What you can expect from us :
- Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
- Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
- A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds
What we expect from you :
- Reliability
- Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
- Ability to adapt quickly
- Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
- Genuine commitment
- Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!
Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]
PROGRESSION (during content) :
- BoD - 9/9M US#206
- Uldir - 8/8M (first tier back w/ 3 less raiding hours)
- T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
- T19 - US#96
- T18 - US#165
- T17 - US#119
- T16 - US#136
- T15 - US#94
TO APPLY VISIT : goo.gl/forms/tfdRupd7SFyMPjO53
Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!
Officer Contact info :
GM / Raid Lead : Bnet - Kisshot#1230
Hey i know you said Wed/Thurs but if you are open to a T/TH team here is our info!
BLACKLISTED - 8/8H EP 4/9M BoD (6pm - 9pm CST, Tu/Th)
The second raid team of <Seraph> US-Mal’Ganis, Blacklisted is an 18+ Mythic progression team focused on a fun and relaxing raid environment to make new friends and kill mythic bosses. With how we ended last tier, we feel we will be able to make a good push for CE this tier. We are not looking to stop at AOTC.
We provide flasks, feasts, runes, and tomes through a team donation system.
- 425+ ilvl 57+ neck
- Working mic with PTT
- Addons WA, ERT, and BW/DBM
- Reliable. Show up on time ready to kill bosses!
If this sounds like the team for you, contact Hman980#1353 (bnet) for more information, or visit Seraphguild,com to apply!
<Seraph> of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for almost ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com
to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Color Blind - 3/8M Eternal Palace (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
Blacklisted - 8/8H Eternal Palace (6pm - 9pm CST, T/Th) - diddy177#1798
Insomnia - 8/8H Eternal Palace (10pm - 1am CST, W/Th) - gorgeouss#1922
Clockwise - 7/8H Eternal Palace (8pm - 11am CST, Su) - ilpad#1438
Tyrannosaurus Rekt - 2/8M Eternal Palace (9pm - 12am CST, Su/M) - drastically#1553
Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Visit SeraphGuild.com
for more information!
About us:
We formed during Legion and were pushing mythic content right out the gate. We all decided to step away from the game during Uldir due to lack of interest in the content among the guild. Recently about 10 of us have gotten together and decided to return to the game.
Weds 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
Thurs 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
What We Are Looking For:
Fun is definitely our motivating factor (which is why we agreed as a whole to step away from the game when players did not find it fun). A large factor though is definitely progression and seeing as much content as possible. We are seeking players with a positive attitude that understand an error correction is not a personal attack.
Current Progression:
Classes Needed:
Like I said with us recently returning, no classes are off the table. That being said recruiting has been actually popping off for us and we have been finding people faster than expected. We will still be open to any exceptional applicants, but we are largely favoring Ranged DPS atm!
My Bnet: ChugsBleach#1280
As an additional note, we are starting our mythic prog tonight