Hello Ginnzo, I represent The Elect on Area 52. We are currently in the process of rebuilding our mythic raid team. From what you have said in your post you seem like the type of player we are looking for in this process. The core of the team is built up of competitive players who have extensive mythic raiding experience. If you are interested, I would like to talk more with you about our guild and see if we may be a good fit for you. Our raid times fit perfectly, and it could be a great fit. I’ll leave some spam below to give you more of an idea of the guild.
< The Elect > - Mythic Focused Raiding Guild. Currently seeking everything to build our Mythic roster. Entertaining all interests in a raid spot despite role.
Wednesday: 7:30-10:30 Server (EST) Progression
Thursday: 7:30-10:30 Server (EST) Progression
Monday: 7:30-10:30 Server (EST) Progression
- Monday raid will end at 9:30 EST at which point everyone will split into Mythic+ teams to run a max level key before the night concludes.
We do have plans to add a secondary raid team/alt run in the near future.
We are currently looking for people that can commit to all raid days. We are interested in players that will show up prepared, focused, and ready to kill bosses.
We understand that real life happens, but we do ask that our raiders maintain at least 90% attendance and be able to raid without frequent interuption.
We don’t have a strict attendance policy, however it is important for us to keep our progression as strong as possible, which relies heavily on raid wide attendance. We will not be able to offer full time raid spots to those that can not commmit to raid days reliably.
We are currently building a raid team on Area52 (H) in preparations for Mythic Eternal Palace. At the moment we are seeking competent raiders of any role/class.
Prefer: Everything 
At this moment we are looking for a dedicated Recruitment Officer. We are looking for a player that has a strong understanding of World of Warcraft and what it takes to progress in Mythic content. As a guild, we are prepared to offer in-game compensation to someone that can responsibly manage the needs of our Recruitment Officer. The compensation will be discussed during an interveiw prior to assuming the duties/promotion. Recruitment Officer will play a very big role in the development of our guild, and we take this role VERY seriously.
We are looking for a player that:
- Can commit substantial time to browsing forums for potential raiders
- Bump and update forum posts as the guilds needs and progression changes
- Utilize Trade/General Chat for potential raiders
- Collaborate with the other Officers in setting up Discord interviews/talks prior to members joining the guild.
- Can easily and effectively communicate with players in a respectful manner.
For our 20m roster we will have four 5m mythic+ teams that do one max level key a week. These teams are made up randomly and will be mixed up every two weeks. This system allows for us to make sure that our raiders are staying up to date with gear/Azerite, and it also helps build chemistry within the core. These are 100% MANDATORY and will be conducted after raid on Mondays. Same attendance requirements as raid days.
We expect all raiders to come to raids prepared. This means:
- Having the correct gems and enchants.
- Class knowledge.
- Raid preparation.
We only raid 8 hours a week, so it is imperative that we don’t waste time. Performance is very important to us, and as such, we hold our raiders to high standards. We log every fight and pay close attention to everything involved. We have many high end multi-class raiders that are more than willing to help with struggling raiders, however we do expect you to have a strong grasp of the class and role you intend to play.
Not a lot to this really. BFA loot is personal. At this current time we have no structured system for non-upgrades. You’re welcome to pass loot, but we will not concern ourselves with it. Our focus is killing bosses… everyone will end up getting everything
they want… eventually 
Guild Master - Talyian (Daltinbydeed#1859)
Raid Leader - Fwankky (Dev#11926)
Mythic+ Officer - Pokesham (Poke#12709)
HR Officer - Beanboss (Beanbizzle#1725)
Recruitment monty (Moooooonty#1899)
Anyone listed can answer any further questions you may have pertaining to the guild as well as conduct your interview in our guild discord.