Raid Times – Tuesday, Wednesday 7pm -10 PST with optional Sunday for Heroics (starting heroic till we build the mythic roster)
Uldir Raid Progress - 8/8N 8/8H 3/8M
BFA: 9/9N 6/9H 1/9M
Needs for 8.1
TANKS - High
Holy/Disc Priest - High
Mistweaver - High
ELE Shaman - High
Warlock - Medium
Shadow Priest - Hight
Other ranged - Low
Melee - Low
Since this is a new extension for our guild with a night raid, we are currently recruiting all specs and classes to fill our rosters. Adult Guild- 18 or older
Guild Information
We are a smaller guild looking to expand in multiple areas on Tichondrius. Our primary focus is on Mythic raiding, but we also enjoy pushing mythic plus as well. We currently have a morning mythic guild and are now forming a night guild. We are currently running heroic’s on the night raid until we have a full 20 man team to push into mythic’s
The Guild was established in 2008. Our GM Deathhuntr will be leading the night raids
Any alts and friends are welcome in the guild even if they cannot raid with us. We have very few casuals in the guild but are very welcoming for people on the server who play our times.
We use adult language, we make fun of each other daily, and we bust each other’s balls as much as possible. This makes for an Adult only environment and not for the faint of heart.
Addons Needed
DBM, Bigwigs, Angry Assignments and Astral Keys (M+)
Please contact in order below:
Recruiting Officer: Sarge1020#1570
GM Deathrising#1415